Deskbreeze Package
The basic Deskbreeze package contains:
- 1 complete Deskbreeze device
- 1 basic model of a Laser dinghy
- 1 basic model of a Viking boat
- 1 shovel and 1 funnel for the dry ice
- 1 towel to put under the water tank
- 1 stable cardboard box upholstered for transporting everything safely
A Deskbreeze is made of wood, iron, plexiglass, 3D-printed parts, and several electronic parts to regulate the water’s temperature and the windflow.
Basic package: € 3.500,- excl. shipping
This comes in a cardboard box which gives protection for transport, but will not last long.
Optional: aluminium box: + € 120,-
If you are going travel around a lot with your Deskbreeze, you should add this robust alumnium box complete with keys, which gives additional protection to your Deskbreeze.
Optional: Foil in your corporate design
Deskbreeze is normally covered with a dark-blue adhesive foil on the outside. If you wish, you can design the outside foil according to your corporate design.
Additional information
Weight: 18.5 kg
Dimensions: 90 × 48 × 38 cm
Packaging: in cardboard box (default) or in aluminium box (optional)